PrettyGuide with global merchants and work closely with skilled and trusted traders to offer you the best products at the best price.
Normally your order is shipped from China. Because we ship directly from our partners in these countries, your item may take 2-4 weeks to arrive. If you do not appear immediately, please do not panic, rest assured.
Q: How much freight?
A: We provide free shipping.
Q: How long does it take to get an order?
A: It depends on the product ordered. Most projects will arrive in about 2-4 weeks. If you are not sure yet, please email us. We are happy to help.
Q: Do you provide a tracking number?
A: The tracking number will be provided after the order is shipped. After we provide tracking details, allow at least 48 hours to register on the system.
Q: I ordered 2 items but received only 1 ... Where is my order?
A: Since different products come from different suppliers, when you order multiple items, they may be shipped separately from one place to another. They are on the road :)
Q: What is your refund policy?
We allow 48 hours before sending any order. This means that you can cancel your order within 48 hours. Once this time has passed, you receive your delivery confirmation and the order can not be canceled.
If you no longer require your order for any reason, you can return the order to us for a full refund, excluding any shipping costs.
We strive to 100% satisfied with the shopping experience, if you have any questions, please contact us, we will try our best to solve any problems or questions that may arise.
Q: How can I contact you for any reason?
A: Please contact us through our live chat or email service#prettyguide.com (simply replace # with [@])
Normally your order is shipped from China. Because we ship directly from our partners in these countries, your item may take 2-4 weeks to arrive. If you do not appear immediately, please do not panic, rest assured.
Q: How much freight?
A: We provide free shipping.
Q: How long does it take to get an order?
A: It depends on the product ordered. Most projects will arrive in about 2-4 weeks. If you are not sure yet, please email us. We are happy to help.
Q: Do you provide a tracking number?
A: The tracking number will be provided after the order is shipped. After we provide tracking details, allow at least 48 hours to register on the system.
Q: I ordered 2 items but received only 1 ... Where is my order?
A: Since different products come from different suppliers, when you order multiple items, they may be shipped separately from one place to another. They are on the road :)
Q: What is your refund policy?
We allow 48 hours before sending any order. This means that you can cancel your order within 48 hours. Once this time has passed, you receive your delivery confirmation and the order can not be canceled.
If you no longer require your order for any reason, you can return the order to us for a full refund, excluding any shipping costs.
We strive to 100% satisfied with the shopping experience, if you have any questions, please contact us, we will try our best to solve any problems or questions that may arise.
Q: How can I contact you for any reason?
A: Please contact us through our live chat or email service#prettyguide.com (simply replace # with [@])